Editorial Exuberations

Spring is in full swing when it seems like the new calendars just went up on the wall. Our May issue is the biggest we’ve assembled yet both in size and in the range of ideas/perspectives incorporated. Thanks to your reading and suggestions we are continuing to evolve and expand. The Jury Expert is also on Twitter with daily links relevant to litigation and a few fun things to mull over your morning libations. Keep the feedback, ideas, and suggestions coming!

We are pleased to have a lengthy feature on the controversy about Generation Y and the prevalence of narcissism. We are publishing this issue on the heels of a heated debate in the blawgosphere on Generation Y in the legal workplace (see a summary of that controversy here). In a departure from our usual style of one author and several trial consultants reacting to the piece–in this case we have two articles (one saying narcissism is on the rise in our young people and the other begging to differ). Three experienced trial consultants with special interests in generational issues provide feedback on the articles and how this controversy relates to litigation advocacy and then both authors respond. This feature doesn’t resolve the differences of opinion between the researchers but we hope it gives you a sense of how to use (or not use) generation and/or age in jury selection, case sequencing and narrative. 

Our second academic feature is one of which we can all be proud. It’s an exploration of just how the process of deliberating on a jury makes us better people and better citizens. How nice to hear something uplifting about the jury process for a change! Two past Presidents of the American Society of Trial Consultants respond to this article (ten years in the making) and then the authors follow-up with additional thoughts. 

In addition, we have pieces on a wide range of issues from trial consultants: deception, juror stress, technology in high profile trials, questioning the child witness, using a simple mnemonic to aid you in organization in voir dire, and how to prepare expert witnesses. And of course, our favorite thing (two again this issue). It’s a lot to ponder. Come back and visit the website and read to your hearts content! That’s why we’re here. Use us. — Rita R. Handrich, PhD