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Please read about how YOU can help. That ‘YOU’ is not the theoretical YOU. It is the YOU YOU. If you like what The Jury Expert brings you issue after issue—help us keep bringing it with your tax deductible donation to the ASTC Foundation!

In this issue we have a plethora of umami. That would be a ‘spice bomb’ and our lead article shows you how a dash of umami can help you with a case involving ample and negative pretrial publicity. Another spicy contribution describes how cultural competency could be essential to your firm’s financial bottom line. As demographics in the U.S. and in our now often global practices shift, cultural competency is no longer simply a “nice and politically correct thing”. It’s essential for your future viability. And rounding out our trio of spicy elements, we have an article on how voir dire has become Voir Google. Read about the latest in strategies and expectations in this area as well as some reactions from trial consultants.

We also have three different articles on witnesses. The first is all about truly terrified witnesses. Not just scared witnesses, but truly terrified witnesses. What do you need to do to prepare them to testify? The second advocates the incorporation of an overtly specified “I don’t know” response into the choices eye-witnesses have when viewing suspects in a crime. According to the research, this option enhances eye-witness accuracy in identification and decreases false identification (which we all know can lead to wrongful convictions). The third article in this trio suggests the I-I-Eye model for helping jurors in cases that make it to trial assess how reliable specific eye-witness testimony really is. The last two articles feature responses from trial consultants.

And last, but certainly not least, lighten up a bit with our romp through 80 (yes, 80!) iPad apps for attorneys. A week of iPad apps for your professional and personal lives that will make you go “Hmmm….” and click to see the app—and often, make you grin either in recognition or mockery…or perhaps both.

As always, if you have comments or concerns or things you’d like to see us do in the future—email me and let me know! And PLEASE! Donate to help us out!

Rita R. Handrich, PhD

Editor, The Jury Expert